Jun 3Liked by Sara Ramsey

It was only a matter of time. You're living your best life <3

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lol, that's true, my circles through tech/writing are inevitable 😊

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Jun 3Liked by Sara Ramsey

I was wondering where you went! I'm so glad your letter popped up. It's awesome you can work from there. I just told my sister last night that the Catalpa in her yard is maybe a vanilla bean tree, but now I know! Maybe they had the same salesperson.

ALSO: I could not love this passage more:

"Writing that title from my backyard balcony in rural Iowa, with birds chirping and buzzards circling, sounds like total nonsense.

To be fair, “chief of staff at a tech company” probably sounds like total nonsense in most places.

But when I open my work laptop, suddenly it’s the buzzards and catalpas that sound like nonsense."

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I would love it if the same salesperson took catalpas all around the midwest, like a less famous Johnny Catalpaseed 😂 The pods do look like vanilla beans!

Glad to hear from you too - hope the writing is going well!

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Jun 3Liked by Sara Ramsey

Congrats on the new job! Great to hear from you again. I'm glad I could provide a small nudge. Reading about the disconnect between your San Francisco life and Iowa life is always interesting.

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Thank you again for the nudge ❤️

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Jun 5Liked by Sara Ramsey

Found you via Anna Sale. I've just moved from rural northern Wisconsin to Mill Valley -- so identifying bigtime with straddling two very different galaxies, loving them both, trying to find equilibrium -- and keep my golden retriever happy in the process! Congrats on your new gig -- and eager to read more of your stuff.

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I'm very familiar with Mill Valley - less familiar with northern Wisconsin, although I had a memorable family vacation where I insisted we go to Pepin to see the Little House in the Big Woods site (a detour no one was happy about 😊). I can imagine the galaxies you're straddling!

Good luck with this new chapter - I hope you and the pup enjoy settling in. Thank you for reading!

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So glad you’re back. I share your love of catalpa trees—they’re all over Pueblo, and so extravagant. Those little cigars, though—when a kid brought one in the back door, I knew because I stated instantly sneezing. The one on your yard looks spectacular.

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There was a catalpa next door to my house in Denver, and I swore at the time I wouldn't have one because of the mess the pods made. But now that I have them in Iowa, I feel like I will always want them!

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Jun 3Liked by Sara Ramsey

BIG congrats on the new job! I love that you're holding down a tech job in rural Iowa... isn't that kind of the best of both worlds?????

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Thank you!! It really is kind of the best of both worlds (although I would like to be able to order takeout on the nights I work late ;). So far it's going well, although I miss our writing dates!

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Jun 3Liked by Sara Ramsey

Gorgeous writing, as always. Loved the line about it being your story alone to tell.

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thank you ❤️

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Jun 3Liked by Sara Ramsey

What a treat to have another post arrive. Hope the job is going as well as these things can. Happy to see you’re finding time to write while recharging the money aquifer.

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Things are going as well as jobs can go - and I feel like I'm learning some new things, which is always good for my monkey mind. I'll fill you in on my next trip to SoCal 😉

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Hi, So happy to read you today! the news is full of the rains in Iowa and, as an Iowan, this is newsworthy since I don't recall ever experiencing a flood during my childhood. I was especially resonating with this: "I don’t know what will sprout up in this newsletter now that I’m splitting my time between writing and a day job." Ain't it true? I ride that world almost daily and it takes a special saddle to make it comfortable. I'm always wanting to be where I am not. Just keep writing when you can.

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