Feb 26Liked by Sara Ramsey

If JD Vance can turn Hillbilly Elegy into a bestseller (and major motion picture, no less), I'm certain the book you want to write will have an audience. Perhaps there's a crowdfunding experiment in this somewhere (sign me up).

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I'm here and reading, and not in a trainwreck way! I find your posts fascinating. I'm English but now also American and I live in SF, so I know very little about more rural ways of life, and I want to because I'm also concerned about how divided we're becoming.

I'm reading Betsy Gaines Quammen's True West at the moment and it addresses some similar issues.

Good luck with finding the book inspiration you're looking for, and thank you for sharing these dispatches.

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Sara, you feel like a more Eastern me. When I set about with Leo Schuman to launch our Substack, yours was the one I found which made me feel at home. I am having to write some bile-and-blackhead content right now but I hope I can get to more light colored tiles of the mosaic like you are doing. I really loved the murals story, shared it with my step mom who is a rural muralist. She said that she wanted to be there with you helping the artists along.

I am also looking for signs of light outside of myself, such as you. I have just started reading (gasp) a non fiction book: *The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again* by Robert D. Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett.

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Feb 27Liked by Sara Ramsey

Thank you for the honesty and vulnerability. I am very excited for the new book and how it connects you to the community you care the most about<3

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Feb 27Liked by Sara Ramsey

Your perspective and ability to link history to our current time in your rural community is invaluable. Keep on writing for you, just know many of us love it. Set up a paid option and count me in. Thank you for sharing your experience and reflections.

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Your footnotes are the best!

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I totally watch those hoof videos. /eom

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